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The editors of the Digital Indipetae Database offer the following bibliography for some of the most important and most recent scholarship on the Jesuits’ petitions for missionary assignments.

The list will be updated as new scholarship becomes available. Contact the database’s editors to include your scholarship. Most publications from the 21st century will also have a citation and additional information at the Jesuit Online Bibliography.


Acosta, Antonio. 2007. “¿Problemas en la expansión misionera jesuita a comienzos del siglo XVII? Gerónimo Pallas en el Perú y su ‘Misión a las Indias’.” In Sublevando el Virreinato. Documentos contestatarios a la historiografía tradicional del Perú colonial, edited by L. Laurencich Minelli and P. Numhauser, 37-72. Quito: Abya-Yala. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Agostino, Giuliano and Maurizio Scarpari. 2019. “The Letter of the Madonna to the People of Messina in Chinese by the Jesuit Metello Saccano: An Unknown Seventeenth-Century Manuscript.” Journal of Jesuit Studies 5/4: 631-641. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Baldini, Ugo. 2008. “The Jesuit college in Macao as a Meeting Point of the European, Chinese and Japanese Mathematical Traditions. Some Remarks on the Present State of Research, mainly Concerning Sources (16th-17th centuries).” In History of Mathematical Sciences: Portugal end the East, III. The Jesuits, the Padroado and East Asian Science (1552-1773), edited by L. Saraiva and C. Jami, 33-79. Singapore: World Scientific. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Batllori, Miquel. 1960. “Note sull'ambiente missionario nell’Italia del Cinquecento.” In Problemi di vita religiosa in Italia nel Cinquecento, edited by H. Jedin, 83-89. Padova: Antenore.

Binková, Simona. 2016. “Contribución de los jesuitas de la Provincia de Bohemia para la evangelización de las islas Filipinas y Marianas y para su conocimiento en Europa central.” In Ir más allá…: Fuentes bohemicales para el estudio comparativo de la expansión colonial espaňola en la temprana Edad Moderna, edited by S. Binková and M. Křížová, 33-60. Charles University in Prague: Karolinum Press. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Borges Morán, Pedro. 1966. “Notas sobre el desaparecido archivo matritense de la Comisaría General de Indias.” Archivo Ibero-Americano 26: 150-152.

Borges Morán, Pedro. 1977. El envío de misioneros a América durante la época española, Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia.

Bottereau, Georges. 1956. “Quitter l'Europe et ses délices.” Christus 2/8: 529-545.

Breuil, Mélanie. 2011. Un regard sur les Indes au XVIIe siècle. Les hagiographies et les relations de fêtes, Mémoire de Master 2, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense.

Brockey, Liam Matthew. 2007. Journey to the East: The Jesuit Mission to China, 1579-1724, Cambridge: Harvard University Press. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Brunello, Mauro. 2016. “Nuova Compagnia di Gesù e vocazione missionaria: le indipetae dell'Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu (ARSI) e l’archivio fotografico Acquaderni.” Ricerche di storia sociale e religiosa 88 (1/2): 21-43. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Burrus, Ernest J. 1955.A Monument to Jesuit Heroism.” Woodstock Letters 84: 335-347. (Available at the Jesuit Online Library)

Burrus, Ernest J. 1959. “Research Opportunities in Italian Archives and Manuscript Collections for Students of Hispanic American History.” The Hispanic American Historical Review, 39/3: 428-463.

Capoccia, Anna Rita. 2000. “Per una lettura delle Indipetae italiane del Settecento: ‘indifferenza’ e desiderio di martirio.” Nouvelles de la Republique des Lettres, 1, 7-43. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Capoccia, Anna Rita. 2007. “Un’ipotesi di lettura delle Indipetae italiane del Settecento: desiderio di martirio e ‘indifferenza’.” In Notre lieu est le monde. Missions religieuses dans le monde ibérique à l’époque moderne, edited by B. Vincent and P. A. Fabre, 89-110. Rome: École française. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Cassan, Michel. 2009. “Les fêtes de la canonisation d’Ignace de Loyola et de François Xavier dans la province d’Aquitaine (1622).” In Les cérémonies extraordinaires du catholicisme baroque, edited by B. Dompnier, 459-476. Clermont-Ferrand: Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Castelnau-L’Estoile, Charlotte de. 2007. “Élection et vocation: Le choix des missionnaires dans la province jésuite du Portugal (1592-1596).” In Notre lieu est le monde. Missions religieuses dans le monde ibérique à l’époque modern, edited by B. Vincent and P. A. Fabre, 21-43. Rome: École française. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Catto, Michela, Guido Mongini and Silvia Mostaccio, eds.. 2010. Evangelizzazione e globalizzazione. Le missioni gesuitiche nell’età moderna tra storia e storiografia. Rome: Società editrice Dante Alighieri. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Clossey, Luke. 2008. Salvation and Globalization in the Early Jesuit Missions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Codignola, Luca and Giovanni Pizzorusso. 1996. “Les lieux, les méthodes et les sources de l'expansion missionnaire du Moyen Âge au XVIIe siècle: Rome sur la voie de la centralisation.” In Transferts culturels et métissages Amérique/Europe, XVIe-XXe siècle, edited by L. Turgeon, D. Delâge and R. Ouellet, 489-512. Paris: L'Harmattan.

Cohen, Thomas V. 1974. “Why the Jesuits Joined. 1540-1600.” Historical Papers / Communications historiques 9/I: 237-258.

Cohen, Thomas V. 1986. “Diversità nell'Esperienza Religiosa tra i primi 1259 Gesuiti,” Annali Accademici Canadesi 1: 7-25.

Colombo, Emanuele and Marco Rochini. 2014. “Identità e missione. Gesuiti italiani e missioni popolari tra Antica e Nuova Compagnia.” Rivista di Storia del Cristianesimo 11/2: 285-302. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Colombo, Emanuele and Marco Rochini. 2016b. “Prima la missione: indipetae italiane (1814-1853).” Ricerche di storia sociale e religiosa 88 (1/2): 45-66. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Colombo, Emanuele and Marco Rochini. 2016c. “Ritorno alle missioni. Jan Philip Roothaan, Gregorio XVI e le missioni della Compagnia di Gesù.” In I gesuiti e i papi, edited by M. Catto and C. Ferlan, 103-130. Bologna: Il Mulino. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Colombo, Emanuele and Marco Rochini. 2017. “Four Hundred Years of Desire. Ongoing Research into the Nineteenth Century Indipetae.” In Representation of the Other and Intercultural Experiences in a Global Perspective (16th to 20th Centuries), edited by N. Guasti, 83-108. Milan: Mimesis International. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Colombo, Emanuele and Marina Massimi. 2014a. “Cartas de un viaje interior. Una investigación en curso sobre las cartas indipetae italianas de la Nueva Compañía.” In Las misiones antes y después de la restauración de la Compañía de Jesús. Continuidades y Cambios, edited by L. Correa Etchegaray, E. Colombo and G. Wilde, 69-100. Bogotá-México: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana- Universidad Iberoamericana. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Colombo, Emanuele and Marina Massimi. 2014b. In viaggio. Gesuiti italiani candidati alle missioni tra antica e nuova Compagnia. Milan: Il Sole 24 ore. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Colombo, Emanuele, Irene Gaddo and Guido Mongini, eds. Forthcoming. The First Indipetae. Boston: Institute for Jesuit Sources.

Colombo, Emanuele. 2009. “Jesuits and Islam in Seventeenth-Century Europe: War, Preaching and Conversions.” In L’islam visto da Occidente: Cultura e religione del Seicento europeo di fronte all'Islam, edited by B. Heyberger, M. García-Arenal, E. Colombo and P. Vismara, 315-340. Milan: Marietti. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Colombo, Emanuele. 2017. “Carta para la mission.” In Lexicón de formas discursivas cultivadas por la Compañía de Jesús, edited by P. Chinchilla Pawling, 337-342. Mexico: Universidad Iberoamericana.

Colombo, Emanuele. 2018. “Repetita iuvant. Le litterae indipetae di Metello Saccano (1612-1662) e compagni.” In Scrivere lettere. Religiosi e pratiche epistolari tra XVI e XVIII secolo, edited by P. Giovannucci, 69-92. Padova: Padova University Press. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Colombo, Emanuele. 2019a. “Lacrime e sangue. Martirio e missione nella Compagnia di Gesù in età moderna.” Annali di Scienze Religiose 12: 53-123. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Colombo, Emanuele. 2019b. “Miracoli di Francesco Saverio.” In Miracolo! Emozione, spettacolo e potere nella storia dei secoli XIII-XVI, edited by L. Andreani and A. Paravicini Bagliani, 301-331. Tavarnuzze: Sismel/Edizioni del Galluzzo. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Correa Etchegaray, Leonor, Emanuele Colombo and Guillermo Wilde, eds. 2014. Las misiones antes y después de la restauración de la Compañía de Jesús: continuidades y cambios. Bogotá-México: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana- Universidad Iberoamericana. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Cymbalista, Renato. 2010a. “Os mártires e a cristianização do território na América portuguesa, séculos XVI e XVII.” Anais do Museu Paulista 18/1: 43-82. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Cymbalista, Renato. 2010b. “The Presence of the Martyrs: Jesuit Martyrdom and the Christianisation of Portuguese America.” International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church 10/4: 287-305. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Dalmases García, Cándido de. 1984. “Estado de la Compañía al final del generalato de San Francisco de Borja.” Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 105: 55-83.

De Groof, Bart de. 1998. “Encuentros discordantes. Expectativas y experiencias de los jesuitas belgas en el México del siglo XVII.” Historia Mexicana 47/3: 537-569.

Delfosse Annick. 2017. “’Ecce ego, mitte me’: Les indipetae gallo-belges ou le désir des Indes.” In The itinerary of Antoine Thomas S.J. (1644-1709), Scientist and Missionary from Namur in China, edited by M. Hermans and I. Parmentier, 163-205. Leuven: Ferdinand Verbiest Institute. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Deslandres, Dominique. 1997. “Les missions françaises intérieures et lointaines, 1600-1650.” Mélanges de l'École Française de Rome. Italie Méditerranée 10/2: 505-538.

Dompnier, Bernard. 1984. “Mission lointaine et mission de l’intérieur chez les Capucins français de la première moitié du XVIIe siècle.” In Les réveils missionnaires en France du Moyen Age à nos jours. Actes du colloque de Lyon, 29-31 mai 1980, 91-106. Paris: Beauchesne.

Dompnier, Bernard. 2002. “Mission lointaine et spiritualité sacerdotale au XVIIe siècle.” In L’espace missionnaire: lieux d’innovation et de rencontres interculturelles, edited by G. Routhier and F. Laugrand, 49-68. Québec/Paris: Karthala, Presses de l’Université Laval. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Donati, Claudio. 2007. “The Profession of Arms and the Nobility in Spanish Italy: Some Considerations.” In Spain in Italy: Politics, Society, and Religion 1500-1700, edited by T. J. Dandelet and J. A. Marino, 299-324. Leiden: Brill.

Dupront, Alphonse. 1997. Le mythe de croisade. Paris: Gallimard.

Fabre, Pierre-Antoine. 2007. “Un désir antérieur. Les premiers jésuites des Philippines et leurs indipetae (1580-1605).” In Notre lieu est le monde. Missions religieuses dans le monde ibérique à l’époque moderne, edited by B. Vincent and P. A. Fabre, 71-88. Roma: École française. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Fabre, Pierre-Antoine. 2010. “La décision de partir comme accomplissement des Exercices: Une lecture des Indipetae.” In Ite inflammate omnia: selected historical papers from conferences held at Loyola and Rome in 2006, edited by T. McCoog, 45-70. Roma: Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Fabre, Pierre-Antoine. 2013. “Les premiers temps de la mission américaine de la Compagnie de Jésus à l’époque du généralat de Francisco de Borja.” Revista Borja 4: 341-349. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Fleming, Alison C. 2017. “Letters, Indipetae”. In The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Jesuits, edited by T. Worcester, 463. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Frei, Elisa. 2016. “The Many Faces of Ignazio Maria Romeo SJ (1676–1724?), Petitioner for the Indies: A Jesuit Seen through his Litterae Indipetae and the Epistulae Generalium.” Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 85/170: 365-404. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Frei, Elisa. 2018. “In nomine patris. The Struggle Between an Indipeta, his Father, and the Superior Generals of the Society of Jesus (1701 – 1724 ca.).” Chronica Mundi 13/I: 107–123. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Frei, Elisa. 2019. “Signed in Blood. Negotiating with the Superior General about the Overseas Mission (18th century).” Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 51/4: 1-34. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Frei, Elisa. 2019. “The Indipetae.Boston College Magazine 79/2: 42-45.

Frei, Elisa. 2020. “‘The ardent desire to spread all my sweat and blood’. Italian Litterae indipetae between 1690 and 1730.” In Narratives of Suffering, Persecution and Disappointment in the Early Modern Period. Giving Birth to New Martyrs, edited by L. Cohen. Lisbon: Catholic University of Portugal.

Frei, Elisa. 2020. “‘To go to China or Japan… not to stay in these colleges.’ Jesuit Procurators of China and Petitioners for the Indies (1640s and 1690s).” Orientis Aura. Macau Perspectives in Religious Studies [forthcoming].

Frei, Elisa. 2020. “Consigli agli indipeti: le risposte dei Generali e il manuale di Girolamo Pallas.” In Atti del convegno Le lettere indipetae come fonte per la storia della Compagnia di Gesù. Nuove prospettive di ricerca, Torino, 5-6 dicembre 2017. Brescia: Editrice Morcelliana [forthcoming].

Friedrich, Markus. 2008. “Circulating and Compiling the Litterae Annuae. Towards a History of the Jesuit System of Communication.” Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 77: 3-39. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Friedrich, Markus. 2011. Der lange Arm Roms?: globale Verwaltung und Kommunikation im Jesuitenorden 1540-1773. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Gaddo, Irene. 2018. Conflitti e controversie in terra di missione: Carlo Giovanni Turcotti in Cina tra Sei e Settecento. Vercelli: Gallo Editore. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Girard, Pascale. 2008. “‘Por motivos tan rateros’. Les effets du refus dans les Indipetae des jésuites d’Espagne et de Sardaigne au XVIIe siècle.” In L’échec en politique: objet d’histoire, edited by S. Alexandre, F. Bock and G. Bührer-Thierry, 49-66. Paris: L’Harmattan. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Girard, Pascale. 2013. “‘J’y pense même en mangeant’: peut-on lire des stratégies dans les Indipetae d’Espagne et de Sardaigne au XVIIe siècle?” In On ne peut pas tout réduire à des strategies, edited by N. Schapira and D. Ribard, 23-42. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Golvers, Noël. 2000. “Les Litterae Indipetae et les raisons profondes des vocations pour la Chine dans les Pays-Bas du Sud en 1640-1660.” Courrier Verbiest 12: 4-5.

Golvers, Noël. 2003. Ferdinand Verbiest, S.J. (1623-1688) and the Chinese Heaven: The Composition of the Astronomical Corpus, its Diffusion and Reception in the European Republic of Letters. Leuven: Leuven University Press. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Golvers, Noël. 2007. “Foreign jesuit indipetæ. Mathematical teachings and mathematical books at the colégio das Artes in Coimbra in the 2nd half of the 17th Century.” Bulletin of Portuguese-Japanese Studies 14: 21-42. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Golvers, Noël. 2010a. “Addenda to the Proposography of the ‘Foreign’ Indipetae-mathematicians in Portuguese SJ Colleges (II): P. W. Kirwitzer, SJ and Georg Brett Keynes, SJ in Portugal.” Archives internationales d’histoire des sciences 60/2: 429-436. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Golvers, Noël. 2010b. “Litterae Indipetae from the Jesuit Provincia Flandro-Belgica 1640/1660–1700.” In Light a Candle. Encounters and Friendship with China. Festschrift in Honour of Angelo Lazzarotto P.I.M.E., edited by R. Malek and G. Criveller, 225-243. Sankt Augustin: Institut Monumenta Serica. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Golvers, Noël. 2017. “Scientific Books and Individual Curricula among Jesuit Indipetae in Portugal and China (17th-18th cent.).” Euphrosyne: Revista de Filologia Clássica 45: 205-277. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Golvers, Noël. 2018. “Mathematical Instruction at the Colégio das Artes in Coimbra: Adam Aigenler’s ‘rota astronomica’ (1672).” Almagest (International Journal for the History of Scientific Ideas) 9/1: 4–17. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Groupe de recherches sur les missions ibériques modernes. 1999. “Les politiques missionnaires sous le pontificat de Paul IV.” Mélanges de l'École française de Rome, Italie et Méditerranée 111/1:277-344.

Grupo de Esperitualidad Ignaciana, ed. 2007. Diccionario Espiridualidad Ignaciana, Bilbao-Santander: Mensajero-Sal Terrae. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Guerra, Alessandro. 2000. “Per un’archeologia della strategia missionaria dei Gesuiti: le indipetae e il sacrificio nella ‘vigna del Signore’.” In Archivio italiano per la storia della pietà XIII: 109-191. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Guibert, Joseph de. 1953. La spiritualité de la Compagnie de Jésus, Rome: Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu.

Guidetti, Armando. 1988. Le missioni popolari: i grandi gesuiti italiani: Disegno storico-biografico delle missioni popolari dei gesuiti d'Italia dalle origini al Concilio Vaticano II. Milan: Rusconi.

Hsia, Florence. 2009. Sojourners in a Strange Land: Jesuits and their Scientific Missions in Late Imperial China. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Huonder, Anton. 1899. Deutsche Jesuitenmissionäre des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts: ein Beitrag zur Missionsgeschichte und zur deutschen Biographie. Freiburg: Herder’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

Imbruglia, Girolamo. 1992. “Ideali di civilizzazione: la Compagnia di Gesù e le missioni (1550-1600).” In Il Nuovo Mondo nella coscienza italiana e tedesca del Cinquecento, edited by A. Prosperi and W. Reinhard, 287-308. Bologna: Il Mulino.

Jeż, Tomasz. 2010. “Jesuit Musicians from Baroque Silesia as Missionaries and Music Educators in South America.” In La cultura del barroco español e iberoamericano y su contexto europeo, edited by K. Kumor and K. Sabik, 607-617. Warsaw: Instituto de Estudios Ibéricos e Iberoamericanos de la Universidad de Varsavia. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Koláček, Josef S. 1993. Olomoučtí Indipetae. Rome: Česká provincie Tovaryšstva Ježíšova.

Lamalle, Edmond. 1940. “La propagande du père Nicolas Trigault en faveur des missions en Chine.” Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 9: 49-120.

Lamalle, Edmond. 1968. “La documentation d'histoire missionnaire dans le ‘Fondo Gesuitico’ aux archives romaines de la Compagnie de Jésus.” Euntes Docete 21: 131-176.

Lamalle, Edmond. 1981-1982. “L’archivio di un grande ordine religioso: l’Archivio Generale della Compagnia di Gesù.” Archiva Ecclesiae 24-25/1: 89-120.

Landry-Deron, Isabelle. 2001. “Les Mathématiciens envoyés en Chine par Louis XIV en 1685.” Archive for History of Exact Sciences 55/5: 423-463.

Landry-Deron, Isabelle. 2002. La preuve par la Chine. La « Description » de J. B. Du Halde, jésuite, 1735. Paris: Éditions de l’EHESS. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Leal de Barros, Mariana and Marina Massimi. 2005. “Releituras da indiferença: um estudo baseado em cartas de jesuitas dos sécalos XVI e XVII.” Paidéia 15/31: 195-205. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Leitão, Henrique and Luis Saraiva. 2002. “The College of São Paulo in Macao: A Background (16th and 17th Centuries).” In Historical Perspectives on East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine, edited by C. A. K. Leung and L. Hui-Chieh, 285-298. Singapore: Singapore University Press.

Leitão, Henrique. 2003. “A Periphery between two Centers? Portugal in the Scientific Route from Europe to China (16th and 17th centuries).” In Travels of Learning. A Geography of Science in Europe, edited by A. Simões, A. Carneiro, M. P. Diogo, 19-46. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Majorana, Bernadette. 2019. “L’altro martirio. Offerta di sé e edificazione fra i missionari interni dell'antica Compagnia di Gesù”. Annali di scienze religiose 12: 155-182. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Maldavsky, Aliocha, 2006. “Comment quitter l’Europe pour l’Amérique? Le mode d’emploi d’une quête missionnaire au début du XVIIe siècle.” In La Mer, la France et l’Amérique latine, edited by C. Buchet, 149-166. Paris: PUPS.

Maldavsky, Aliocha. 2007. “Administrer les vocations. Les Indipetae et l’organisation des expéditions de missionnaires aux Indes Occidentales au début du XVIIe siècle.” In Notre lieu est le monde. Missions religieuses dans le monde ibérique à l’époque moderne, edited by B. Vincent and P. A. Fabre, 45-70. Rome: École française.

Maldavsky, Aliocha. 2009. “Société urbaine et désir de mission: les ressorts de la mobilité missionnaire jésuite à Milan au début du XVIIe siècle.” Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine 56: 7-32. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Marin, Catherine. 2007. “Passer sur l’autre rive: de l’Occident à l’Extrême-Orient.” In Les écritures de la mission en Extrême-Orient. Le choc de l’arrivée, XVIIIe-XXe siècles: de l’attente à la réalité, edited by C. Martin, 17-107. Turnhout: Brepols, 2007.

Massimi, Marina and André Barreto Prudente. 2002. Un incendido desejo das Índias. Saõ Paulo: Edições Loyola. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Massimi, Marina and Laura Vilela e Souza. 2002. “Il desiderio dell’oltremare nelle litterae Indipetae: le condizioni psicologiche per l’azione nella narrativa di giovani gesuiti del sedicesimo secolo.” Memorandum 3: 55-71. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Massimi, Marina and Mauro Brunello. 2016. “Indipetae e conoscenza di sé: discernimento ignaziano e psicologia moderna nel XX secolo.” Ricerche di storia sociale e religiosa 88 (1/2): 119-152. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Massimi, Marina, and Paulo Roberto de Andrada Pacheco. 2005. “O conhecimento de si nas Litterae Indipetae.Estudos de Psicologia 10/3: 345-354. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Massimi, Marina, and Paulo Roberto de Andrada Pacheco. 2009. “A experiência de ‘obediência’ nas Indipetae.Memorandum 17: 22-44. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Massimi, Marina, and Paulo Roberto de Andrada Pacheco. 2010. “The Experience of ‘Consolation’ in the Litterae Indipetae.” Psicologia em Estudo: 15/2: 343-352. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Massimi, Marina. 1999. “A ‘Psicologia’ dos Jesuítas: Uma Contribuição à História das Idéias Psicológicas.” Psicologia, Reflexão e Crítica 14/3: 625-633.

Massimi, Marina. 2000. “La psicologia dei temperamenti nei Cataloghi Triennali dei gesuiti in Brasile.” Physis. Rivista internazionale di Storia della Scienza 37: 137-150.

Massimi, Marina. 2020. A teoria dos temperamentos e suas aplicações nos trópicos. Ribeirão Preto: Holos.

Maver, Igor. 2016. “Indipetae in nekatera neobjavljena pisma slovenskega misijonarja in raziskovalca Marka Antona Kappusa iz španske kolonialne Severne Amerike (Nueva España).” In Stanonikov zbornik: študije in eseji s področja literarnih in sorodnih ved, edited by I. Maver, 57-103. Ljubljana : Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete.

McCoog, Thomas. 2001. A Guide to Jesuit Archives. St. Louis/Rome: The Institute of Jesuit Sources/Institutum Historicum Societatis Jesu. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Miazek-Męczyńska, Monika. 2011. “Indipetae Boymianae: On Boym’s Requests to the Jesuit General for a Missionary Appointment to China.” Monumenta serica, 59, 229-242. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Miazek-Męczyńska, Monika. 2015. Indipetae Polonae – kołatanie do drzwi misji chińskiej. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Miazek-Męczyńska, Monika. 2018. “Polish Jesuits and Their Dreams about Missions in China, According to the Litterae indipetae.” Journal of Jesuit Studies 5/3: 404-420. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Mongini, Guido and Emanuele Colombo, eds. 2016a. “L’“ardentissima brama” delle missioni. Nuove fonti per la storia della Compagnia di Gesù tra Otto e Novecento: percorsi di ricerca nelle lettere indipetae.” Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa 88. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

Mongini, Guido and Emanuele Colombo. 2016b. “Presentazione.Ricerche di storia sociale e religiosa 88/1-2: 9-20. (Jesuit Online Bibliography)

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